Meg Appelgate

About Meg Appelgate

Meg Appelgate is the co-founder and CEO of Unsilenced, a nonprofit dedicated to ending institutional child abuse within the Troubled Teen Industry (TTI). A survivor of two TTI programs where she spent over three years, Meg now advocates for systemic change and supports other survivors. Her new book, “Becoming UNSILENCED: Surviving and Fighting the Troubled Teen Industry” (April 2024), details her harrowing experiences and the urgent need for reform. With a background in psychology and extensive nonprofit management, Meg is committed to ending abuse in the Troubled Teen Industry through advocacy, education, and securing justice for survivors.

Meg Appelgate, CEO of Unsilenced, advocates against institutional child abuse in the Troubled Teen Industry (TTI). Surviving two TTI programs, she authored “Becoming UNSILENCED: Surviving and Fighting the Troubled Teen Industry” (April 2024) to expose abuses and champion reform. With a psychology degree and extensive nonprofit experience, Meg is committed to ending abuse in the Troubled Teen Industry through advocacy, education, and securing justice for survivors. Meg, how can we better protect vulnerable youth from exploitation in these facilities?

Meg Appelgate's journey from a tumultuous adolescence to becoming a leading advocate against institutional child abuse is marked by resilience, activism, and a relentless pursuit of justice. As the co-founder and CEO of Unsilenced, a nonprofit dedicated to reforming the Troubled Teen Industry (TTI), Meg draws from her own harrowing experiences to drive systemic change and support fellow survivors.

At the age of 15, Meg Appelgate was ensnared in the Troubled Teen Industry, enduring severe bullying, ADHD, adoption trauma, and undiagnosed autism. Over three and a half years, she suffered abuse in two TTI facilities, experiences she vividly details in her poignant memoir, “Becoming UNSILENCED: Surviving and Fighting the Troubled Teen Industry,” released to critical acclaim in April 2024. The book not only exposes the industry's lack of accountability but also challenges harmful practices and advocates for compassionate alternatives for troubled youth.

Meg's advocacy extends beyond her writing. Through Unsilenced, founded in 2021 with a coalition of survivors and allies, she spearheads campaigns for legislative reform and raises awareness about the plight of vulnerable teens. The organization emphasizes education, survivor support, and community outreach to combat the systemic issues perpetuated by the TTI.

Her work has garnered attention and support from influential figures like Paris Hilton, who has publicly praised Meg's courage and dedication to reforming the TTI. This endorsement highlights the impact of Meg's advocacy, amplifying her message across broader audiences.

In addition to her nonprofit leadership, Meg brings a wealth of expertise in nonprofit management and board governance. She currently serves as Vice President, Trustee, and Managing Director at the Gochnauer Foundation. Her commitment to philanthropy is further evident through her board positions at Laura’s House and The Shea Center, organizations dedicated to supporting victims of domestic violence and therapeutic horseback riding, respectively.

Meg resides in San Juan Capistrano, CA with her husband and four children, where she balances her advocacy work with family life. Her personal experiences as a survivor and her dedication to improving the lives of others underscore every aspect of her professional journey.

As Meg continues to lead Unsilenced and advocate for policy change and accountability within the TTI, her story resonates as a testament to resilience and the transformative power of advocacy.
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